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eLearningCurve offers a comprehensive online education and certification program in various disciplines of information management, from fundamentals to advanced topics. New courses are developed and released on an on-going basis. You can purchase the courses individually or enroll in one of our Education Programs at a great discount. You can also cap your education with Certified Information Management Professional (CIMP) designation or Certified Data Steward (CDS) designation.

Explore our curriculum using the links below or simply click on the icons in the rightmost column to see the instructors talk about their courses and get the firsthand experience from the short course Sneak Peeks.

Instructor Courses Sneak
Diana Ascher Data Ethics & Responsible AI: Fundamentals Click to view course sneak peek
Dean Allemang Knowledge Graph Architecture for the Enterprise Click to view course sneak peek
Natasha Balac Data Science Fundamentals (with Mark Peco) Click to view course sneak peek
AI Fundamentals Click to view course sneak peek
Angelo Bobak Data Integration Techniques for Designing an ODS Click to view course sneak peek
Operational Data Architecture, Part 1: The Operational Data Landscape Click to view course sneak peek
Operational Data Architecture, Part 2: Architectural Data Management Click to view course sneak peek
John Bottega DCAM: Data Management Capability Assessment Model (with Colin Gibson & Mark McQueen) Click to view course sneak peek
Mike Brackett Metadata Management for Data Stewards (with Arkady Maydanchik & Dave Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Gary Cokins Analytics-based Enterprise Performance Management Click to view course sneak peek
Jake Dolezal Big Data Fundamentals (with William McKnight) Click to view course sneak peek
Web Analytics Click to view course sneak peek
Colin Gibson DCAM: Data Management Capability Assessment Model (with John Bottega & Mark McQueen) Click to view course sneak peek
David Haertzen Conceptual Data Modeling Click to view course sneak peek
Logical Data Modeling Click to view course sneak peek
Steve Hoberman The Data Model Scorecard Click to view course sneak peek
Kathy Hunter Data Parsing, Matching & De-duplication Click to view course sneak peek
MDM for Data Stewards (with Andy Hayler & William McKnight) Click to view course sneak peek
Theresa Kushner Data Governance Fundamentals (with Maria Villar, David Wells, Jed Summerton, Evan Levy & Tom Redman) Click to view course sneak peek
John Ladley Data Governance for Business Leaders Click to view course sneak peek
How to Deploy and Sustain Data Governance Click to view course sneak peek
Data Governance for Data Stewards (with Maria Villar & David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Deanne Larson Data Mining in R Click to view course sneak peek
Data Mining Concepts & Techniques Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy Basics (with Mark Peco and David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy in Data Analysis (with Mark Peco and David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Framing and Planning Data Science Projects Click to view course sneak peek
Data Understanding and Preparation for Data Science Click to view course sneak peek
Analytical Modeling, Evaluation, and Deployment Best Practices Click to view course sneak peek
Data Analytics for Data Stewards (with Mark Peco and Eric Siegel) Click to view course sneak peek
Evan Levy Data Privacy and Protection Fundamentals Click to view course sneak peek
Data Governance Fundamentals (with Maria Villar, Theresa Kushner, David Wells, Jed Summerton & Tom Redman) Click to view course sneak peek
Jennifer Leo Putting the Science in Data Science: Fundamentals of Research Methods Click to view course sneak peek
Arkady Maydanchik Data Profiling Click to view course sneak peek
Data Quality Assessment Click to view course sneak peek
Ensuring Data Quality in Data Integration Click to view course sneak peek
Metadata Management Fundamentals (with David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Quality for Data Stewards (with David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Metadata Management for Data Stewards (with David Wells & Mike Brackett) Click to view course sneak peek
Olga Maydanchik Data Quality Scorecard Click to view course sneak peek
William McKnight MDM Fundamentals: Architecture and Implementation Click to view course sneak peek
Data Parsing, Matching & De-duplication (with Kathy Hunter & Henrik Sørensen) Click to view course sneak peek
MDM for Data Stewards (with Andy Hayler & Kathy Hunter) Click to view course sneak peek
Big Data Fundamentals (with Jake Dolezal) Click to view course sneak peek
Introduction to NoSQL Click to view course sneak peek
Mark McQueen DCAM: Data Management Capability Assessment Model (with Colin Gibson & John Bottega) Click to view course sneak peek
Kevin Petrie Streaming Data: Concepts, Applications, and Technologies (with Dave Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Mark Peco Analytics Fundamentals (with Dave Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Architecture Fundamentals (with Dave Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Science Fundamentals (with Natasha Balac) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Warehousing Fundamentals Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy Basics (with Deanne Larson and David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy in Data Management (with David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy in Data Analysis (with Deanne Larson and David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Diagnostic Analytics Using Statistical Process Control Click to view course sneak peek
Fundamentals of Business Intelligence Click to view course sneak peek
Prescriptive Analytics Using Simulation Models Click to view course sneak peek
Data Analytics for Data Stewards (with Deanne Larson and Eric Siegel) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Visualization & Storytelling Click to view course sneak peek
Data Analysis Fundamentals (with Dave Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Tom Redman Crafting the Business Case for Data Quality Click to view course sneak peek
Organizing for Data Quality Click to view course sneak peek
Asha Saxena Fundamentals of Machine Learning Click to view course sneak peek
Rick Sherman DW and BI Data Modeling Click to view course sneak peek
Eric Siegel Fundamentals of Predictive Analytics Click to view course sneak peek
Data Analytics for Data Stewards (with Mark Peco and Deanne Larson) Click to view course sneak peek
John Singer Introduction to Graph Databases Click to view course sneak peek
Henrik Sørensen Data Parsing, Matching & De-duplication (with William McKnight & Kathy Hunter) Click to view course sneak peek
K-Y Su
Location Intelligence and Geographic Information Systems (with George Williams) Click to view course sneak peek
Jed Summerton
Designing and Implementing Analytics Data Architecture (with Dave Wells)
Click to view course sneak peek
Michele Valentini
Data Quality Specialist Click to view course sneak peek
Maria Villar Data Governance Fundamentals (with Theresa Kushner, David Wells, Jed Summerton, Evan Levy & Tom Redman) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Stewardship Fundamentals Click to view course sneak peek
Data Stewardship Core (with David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Governance for Data Stewards (with John Ladley & David Wells) Click to view course sneak peek
David Wells
Analytics Fundamentals (with Mark Peco) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Architecture Fundamentals (with Mark Peco) Click to view course sneak peek
Information Management Fundamentals Click to view course sneak peek
Data Quality Fundamentals Click to view course sneak peek
Metadata Management Fundamentals (with Arkady Maydanchik) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy Basics (with Deanne Larson and Mark Peco) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy in Data Management (with Mark Peco) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy in Data Analysis (with Deanne Larson and Mark Peco) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Literacy Primer Click to view course sneak peek
Root Cause Analysis Click to view course sneak peek
Data Stewardship Core (with Maria Villar) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Quality for Data Stewards (with Arkady Maydanchik) Click to view course sneak peek
Metadata Management for Data Stewards (with Arkady Maydanchik & Mike Brackett) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Governance Fundamentals (with Maria Villar, Theresa Kushner, Jed Summerton, Evan Levy & Tom Redman) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Governance for Data Stewards (with Maria Villar & John Ladley) Click to view course sneak peek
Curating and Cataloging Data Click to view course sneak peek
Modernizing Data Governance Click to view course sneak peek
Streaming Data: Concepts, Applications, and Technologies (with Kevin Petrie) Click to view course sneak peek
Data Analysis Fundamentals (with Mark Peco) Click to view course sneak peek
Designing and Implementing an Analytics Architecture (with Jed Summerton) Click to view course sneak peek
George Williams
Location Intelligence and Geographic Information Systems (with K-Y Su) Click to view course sneak peek