Data Quality Fundamentals
Data quality is a large and complex field with many dimensions. This 4.5-hour course provides an overview of the field of data quality with the goal of building strong foundational knowledge, including terminology, concepts, principles, processes, and practices.
Instructor: David Wells
Data Governance Fundamentals
This 5-hour course provides a comprehensive overview of the many dimensions of data governance. Built upon a Data Governance Framework, the course describes data value management, leadership and governance, governance organizations, data protection, data quality management, and data governance best practices. The Data Governance Framework provides a big-picture view that is valuable when planning, organizing, organizing, and optimizing data governance programs.
Instructors: Maria Villar, Theresa Kushner, Dave Wells, Jed Summerton, Evan Levy, Tom Redman
Information Management Fundamentals
Information Management is a broad and diverse field that encompasses 14 distinct disciplines. Even seasoned IM professionals don’t typically have knowledge of and experience in all of the disciplines. This 5-hour course provides a high-level view across the entire scope of information management.
Instructor: David Wells
Metadata Management Fundamentals
This 4-hour course is designed
to provide the foundational metadata knowledge needed by anyone who has
data management roles and responsibilities. It covers metadata basics such as the
types and purposes of metadata, and explores core metadata disciplines
of data modeling, data profiling, and data cataloging.
Instructors: David Wells and Arkady Maydanchik
Analytics Fundamentals
This 6-hour online course provides a foundation to understand the scope and the key success factors of analytics. Concepts and terminology are introduced, and scope of analytics is
discussed to set context and provide a frame of reference for topics
that follow.
Instructor: Mark Peco and Dave Wells
Curating and Cataloging Data
This 3-hour online training course will explore how curating and cataloging work together to meet the data needs of business and data analysts, to provide self-service data to complement self-service analytics, and to realize the promise of democratizing data analytics.
Instructor: Dave Wells
Modernizing Data Governance
This 3-hour online training explores how governance fits within modern data ecosystems, from point of ingestion to reporting and analysis.
Instructor: Dave Wells
Data Architecture Fundamentals
This 5-hour online course looks at the concepts, principles,
and products of data architecture through six different lenses – business
alignment, data lifecycle management, data usage, content & structure,
processing & storage, and technology.
Instructor: Mark Peco and Dave Wells
Designing and Implementing Analytics Data Architecture
4.5-hour course explores modern data management challenges, describes modern practices
and data architecture design patterns, and describes a step-by-step process to
get from business requirements to a modern data management architecture that is
sustainable and adaptable to the future changes that are sure to come.
Instructor: Jed Summerton and Dave Wells
Data Analysis Fundamentals
This 5-hour online course looks at the core activities needed for data analysis that is
accurate, meaningful, and valuable: establishing analysis purpose with problem
framing, acquiring the right data for analysis, exploring and understanding the
data, preparing data for analysis, finding patterns and meaning, data
visualization, and communicating findings and conclusions of analysis.
Instructor: Dave Wells and Mark Peco
Root Cause Analysis
Understanding why things happen is a fundamental management skill. Through this 4-hour course you will discover the art and science of knowing why. Learn to apply linear thinking, lateral thinking, systems thinking, and critical thinking – independently and in combination – to get to the core of even the most vexing problems.
Instructor: David Wells
Data Literacy Basics
This 5-hour data literacy study material covers the basics of data literacy based on the Data Literacy Body of Knowledge. This material is only available as part of the Data Literacy Certification.
Instructor: Deanne Larson, Mark Peco, Dave Wells
Data Literacy in Data Management
This 4-hour data literacy study material covers topics such as managing data knowledge, data governance, data resource consolidations, managing the data resource, and using the data resources. This material is only available as part of the Data Literacy Certification.
Instructor: Mark Peco, Dave Wells
Data Literacy in Data Analysis
This 4-hour data literacy study material covers topics such as finding and evaluating data, data preparation, data analysis techniques, data visualization, and taking analysis to action. This material is only available as part of the Data Literacy Certification.
Instructor: Deanne Larson, Mark Peco, Dave Wells
Data Modeling Fundamentals
This 4 hour and 45 min. online training teaches practical data modeling skills ranging from traditional relational modeling to key-value, document, graph, and semantic data modeling.
Instructor: Dave Wells
Data Stewardship Fundamentals
The objective of this 5-hour course is to build a foundation of knowledge for the Data Stewards. It covers topics ranging from basic terminology, roles and responsibilities and best practices of data stewardship to fundamentals of data quality, data governance, and other information management disciplines.
Instructors: Maria C Villar and David Wells
Data Quality for Data Stewards
The objective of this 5-hour course is to provide an overview of the field of data quality with the goal of building strong fundamental knowledge for Data Stewards. It covers topics ranging from data quality definitions and dimensions to key data quality management practices and methodologies as well as core data quality processes and projects.
Instructors: David Wells, Arkady Maydanchik and Olga Maydanchik
Data Governance for Data Stewards
The objective of this 4-hour 45-minute course is to provide an overview of the field of data governance with the goal of building strong fundamental knowledge for Data Stewards. It covers the disciplines of governing data, the essential components and a roadmap to execution of a successful data governance program.
Instructors: Maria C Villar, John Ladley & Dave Wells
Data Literacy Primer
In this 84-minutes introductory course, David Wells covers a broad scope of topics at a high level to familiarize you with the concepts, terminology, and process of working with data.