Our MissioneLearningCurve was founded to provide state-of-the-art online education and comprehensive industry certification in various information management disciplines. Our vision is to bring a better level of content, and a higher set of results to this critical field of continuing technical education. Visit our Explore page to learn more about eLearningCurve's value proposition, curriculum, and instructors.
Our DirectorsDirector, Enterprise Solutions: Arkady Maydanchik, arkadym@elearningcurve.comDirector, Education: Dave Wells, david.wells@elearningcurve.com Director, Course Design & Production: Michelle Johnson, mjohnson@elearningcurve.com Director, Technology: Varya Belyaevskaya, admin@elearningcurve.com Director, Marketing: Aleksandra Labuda, alabuda@elearningcurve.com
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Phone: 1 (630) 242-1659 |