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Body of Knowledge

The Data Literacy Body of Knowledge (DLBOK) is a structured comprehensive list of topics comprising the data literacy professional domain. eLearningCurve's upcoming Data Literacy Certification program will include comprehensive online study materials covering all topics in the Data Literacy Body of Knowledge, as well as professional certification in data literacy.

Presented below is an outline of the DLBOK. Click on the image to the right to download the complete document.


1. Data and Databases
1.1 Data Fundamentals
1.2 Database Fundamentals

2. Data Knowledge and Data Governance
2.1 Managing Data Knowledge
2.2 Data Governance

3. Data Resource Management
3.1 Data Resource Consolidation
3.2 Managing the Data Resource
3.3 Using the Data Resource

4. Data Provisioning
4.1 Finding and Evaluating Data
4.2 Data Preparation

5. Data Analysis
5.1 Data Analysis Techniques
5.2 Data Visualization
5.3 Analysis to Action