The Art and Science of Knowing Why
Understanding why things happen is a fundamental management skill. For anyone challenged to manage data quality, business processes, or people and organizations, finding root causes is an essential skill. Understanding why is the key to knowing what to do – the core of sound decision-making. But cause-and-effect relationships are elusive. Real causes are often difficult to find so we settle for easy answers. This leads to fixing symptoms rather than solving problems, and to little or no gain where opportunity is abundant.
Root cause analysis is the alternative to easy answers. Looking beyond the apparent and obvious to find real causes brings insight and seeds of foresight. This online training course teaches you the art and science of knowing why. Learn to apply linear thinking, lateral thinking, systems thinking, and critical thinking – independently and in combination – to get to the core of even the most vexing problems.
You will learn how to:
- Recognize and avoid logical fallacies
- Identify and distinguish between correlation, coincidence, and cause
- Perform fast and light causal analysis using the “5 whys” technique
- Explore linear cause-and-effect chains with fishbone diagramming
- Describe complex cause-effect networks with causal loop models
- Challenge and refine linear and loop models with lateral and critical thinking techniques
- Apply root cause analysis to effectively manage quality, processes, and organizations
This course is geared towards:
- Data quality professionals and practitioners
- Quality management and quality improvement professionals
- Business analysts and business analytics professionals
- Managers and problem-solvers seeking insight and confidence in decision making
- Anyone responsible for managing data, information, people, processes, or technology
BI-03 Root Cause Analysis
BI-03-00 About the Course (5 min)
BI-03-01 The Nature of Cause and Effect (23 min)
- Definitions and Distinctions
- A First Look at Cause and Effect Models
- Cause and Effect Misconceptions
BI-03-02 RCA Concepts and Principles (22 Min)
- The Purpose of RCA
- The Process of RCA
- Practical Application
BI-03-03 Basic Causal Modeling Techniques (55 min)
- The Five Why's Method
- Fishbone Diagramming
- Five Why's and Fishbone Together
BI-03-04 Complex Causal Modeling Techniques (61 min)
- Systems Thinking Concepts
- Causal Loop Models
- System Archetypes
BI-03-05 Verifying Cause and Effect Conclusions (57 min)
- Nonsense and Logical Fallacies
- Fallacies and Thinking Styles
- Critical Thinking
- Lateral Thinking
- Course Summary
- Final Thoughts
Click –here- to download a more detailed outline of this course.
This exam tests knowledge and understanding of root cause analysis techniques.
You will be tested in these areas:
- Understanding cause and effect
- The purpose, process, and applications of RCA
- The Five Why's method
- Fishbone diagramming
- Causal Loop models
- System archetypes
- Logical fallacies
- Critical thinking and lateral thinking
Additional Information
Number of Questions: 25
Time Limit: 50 Minutes
Passing Score: 70%
Once you pass the exam, you will receive a Certificate of Education
documenting that you have demonstrated mastery of the topic. Course
exams count towards eLC certification programs. Visit our Certification page for more information about our various programs.
We recommend that you take detailed notes and review the course material multiple times before taking this exam. Click here to learn more about CIMP exams.