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Dorothy Miller

Dorothy Miller is president of Redstone360, which specializes in the management of business intelligence. The consulting services, books and unique self guided software offered by Redstone360 ( are based on Dorothy’s innovative and comprehensive programs for assessing and improving the value of Business Intelligence products and services. She has developed:

  • a Business Intelligence Capability Maturity Model for Assessment (BI-CMM/A), which is used with a self guided BI Operations assessment program;
  • a special Assessment Process for Business Intelligence products; and
  • Action Response Planning tools for BI Improvement.

The assessments and Action Response Planning tools have been designed to work as a tightly coordinated program which will allow management to quickly gain control, decrease costs and improve Business Intelligence operations and products. The program is self guided, with rigorous protocols and procedures, and based on practical, easy to apply metrics.

Dorothy has over thirty years experience in business, finance and information technology. The extensive and varied experience has given her a unique perspective into the effective creation and management of Business Intelligence products and systems. Dorothy has many years experience in creating, managing, and consulting in the Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence arena. Her MBA is in Finance & Management. She has authored three books: The 12 Rules for Metadata Management; Measuring Business Intelligence Success; and Improving Business Intelligence, the Six Sigma Way. Her new book, Managing Business Intelligence Value will be available in May, 2010.

Dorothy began her career as a systems engineer for IBM. Subsequently, she was Systems Manager and Manager of Data Administration for MARS, Inc.; Manager of Special Projects for Motorola; and Division Director of Planning, Finance and Administration (Information Technology) for International Paper. She has most recently been an industry consultant, author and trainer and is currently President of Redstone360 Management Systems. Dorothy is an associate editor of the International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR). She is a contributor to the International Journal of BI Research; has been a columnist (subject: Business Intelligence) for DMReview (Information Management); and is a regular contributor to industry publications, such as Information Management,; and Information Technology Business Edge ( Her seminars have been presented at TDWI and for other industry groups and organizations.

Dorothy Miller can be reached at: