In today’s modern business environment, corporate entities are constantly merging or splitting, internal divisions are sold to different companies, and new business lines are created in order to meet the challenges of difficult economic times. Business data integration is a complex problem that must be solved when organizations change or enhance their internal structures. New IT departments must be merged with old ones, and transactional, operational, and master data must be integrated in order to be managed efficiently, if the business is expected to grow and be profitable.
The goal of this course is to present a simple yet thorough process that describes the challenges of business data integration and the solutions to these challenges. It will show you how the application of a technique called "schema integration" addresses these challenges.
Schema integration is both a theory and process that was pioneered by experts in the field of data management. We will discuss the techniques of two of these pioneers, M. Tamer Ozsu and Patrick Valduriez in the design of an Operational Data Store (ODS) for a small business.
You will learn:
- The underlying architecture of the Operational Data Store (ODS)
- The different types of ODS Architectures
- The theory behind schema integration
- The schema integration process
- Identifying and resolving data conflicts when integrating data
- The importance of master data and data quality in schema integration
This course is geared towards:
- The Logical and Physical Data Modeler
- The Data Architect
- The Database Administrator
- Project Managers
- Data Warehouse Architects
- Anyone wishing to enter the field of database design and ODS implementation
DI-03 Data Integration Techniques for Designing an ODS
DI-03-00 About the Course (4 min)
DI-03-01 Introduction to Operational Data Stores (45 min)
- Overview
- What is an ODS
- Master Data and The ODS
- Data Quality and the ODS
- Loading the ODS
- ODS and Data Warehouse Architectures
DI-03-02 The Theory of Scheme Integration (58 min)
- Overview
- Data Integration Pioneers
- Schema Integration Types
- Schema Integration Process
- Resolving Data Conflicts
- Profiling Data
- Defining the ETL Specifications to Merge Data
- Tracking Data Lineage
- Schema Integration ETL Tools
DI-03-03 ODS Maintenance (30 min)
- Overview
- Adding New Sources
- Adding New Destinations
- Modifying Existing Sources
- Modifying Existing Destinations
- Retiring Old Sources
- Retiring Existing Destinations
- Managing Security and Access
- Monitoring and Managing Storage Capacity
- Monitoring Performance
- Physical Design Techniques to Increase Performance
- Key Project Roles and Responsibilities
DI-03-04 Case Study (38 min)
- Overview
- Databases to Integrate
- Data Dictionaries
- Tools You Will Need
- Performing the Integration
- Concluding Remarks
Click –here- to download a more detailed outline of this course.
This exam tests knowledge and understanding of techniques for designing an ODS.
You will be tested in these areas:
- Understanding what is ODS
- The relatinship between ODS, Master Data Hubs, and Data Warehouses
- The fundamentals of schema integration
- Techniques for resolving data conflicts
- ETL specifications for merging data
- Tracking data lineage
- Handling ODS updates, including adding, modifying, or retiring sources and destinations
- ODS maintenance, including security, access, storage, and performance
- Key roles and responsibilities
Additional Information
Number of Questions: 20
Time Limit: 40 Minutes
Passing Score: 70%
Once you pass the exam, you will receive a Certificate of Education
documenting that you have demonstrated mastery of the topic. Course
exams count towards eLC certification programs. Visit our Certification page for more information about our various programs.
We recommend that you take detailed notes and review the course material multiple times before taking this exam. Click here to learn more about CIMP exams.